Terms & Conditions

Membership Period

KAB NSW Membership is based on the financial year (1st July through to the 30th June of the following year).


Members are able to access the full suite of benefits listed on the ‘Become a Member Council’ webpage.

Member councils are also entitled to vote at Keep Australia Beautiful NSW’s Annual General Meetings (AGM’s).


Cancellation to your membership must be advised in writing to [email protected].

Once Membership fees have been paid, KAB NSW will begin to deliver your benefits by promoting your Local Government Area (LGA) as a ‘Member Council’ on our website and various communication platforms. Therefore, membership fees are not refundable.

In the event of KAB NSW not being able to provide some of the listed benefits due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g. Covid 19 restricting programs and events), please contact [email protected] to discuss your situation further.

We kindly ask that you consider Keep Australia Beautiful NSW as a registered charity, and all membership fees assist with the organisation’s operations.